What Is PIP Coverage In Florida? A Simple Guide

People are often confused about what PIP is, whose insurance company pays out the benefits in the event of an accident, and what is meant by Florida being a “no-fault” state. Below, we detail what you need to know about PIP coverage in Florida.
What Is PIP Coverage in Florida?
The laws surrounding PIP coverage can be complicated, and confusion is the last thing you need after a car accident. Here are a few things you need to know about PIP coverage and how it applies after a car accident in Florida.
- PIP stands for personal injury protection coverage. Florida law requires every vehicle owner and driver to have a minimum of $10,000 in PIP insurance coverage.
- Your own insurance company pays out PIP benefits if you are injured in an accident.
- Your insurance provider pays out PIP benefits, regardless of who caused or contributed to the accident. This is why people call Florida a “no-fault state” for car accidents.
- PIP insurance covers 80% of your medical bills and 60% of your lost wages, up to $10,000, per Florida’s personal injury protection statute (Florida Statute 627.736).
- PIP covers more than just drivers in car accidents. PIP covers you even if you are walking or cycling when you are injured. It also covers the people in your car if you are in an accident or people in your household if they are in an accident.
- The $10,000 in coverage isn’t always available. Your $10,000 in PIP coverage only applies if your injury is deemed an “emergency.” If not, you only have access to $2,500 for medical expenses. You may end up paying the rest of your medical expenses out of pocket.
Jeffrey Meldon Tip: You can easily use up your $10,000 in PIP coverage before you’re out of the hospital, especially if you have a catastrophic or permanent injury or needed an ambulance ride.
Jeffrey Meldon Tip: Over 15% of drivers on the road in Florida today are uninsured, according to the Insurance Information Institute. The only way you can protect yourself from this is to ensure you have uninsured motorist/underinsured motorist (UM/UIM) protection coverage.
What Damages Does PIP Cover?
PIP only covers a portion of your medical bills and lost wages. If you lost a loved one in an auto accident, PIP also offers death benefits.
However, PIP does not cover other out-of-pocket expenses or non-economic damages, like pain and suffering. If you want to recover compensation for your other losses, you will need to turn to other policies or hold the other driver liable.
But I Thought I Had Full Coverage?
Many people assume they have “full coverage” because they have the minimum required coverage. However, that may only mean you have personal injury protection insurance and Property Damage Liability (PDL) coverage.
Since PDL only covers property damage that you cause other people, you could be out of luck if you only have PIP and PDL. This could mean you are left paying much of your medical expenses, lost wages, and other losses out of pocket.
Is Everyone Covered By PIP Insurance in Florida?
As we discussed above, drivers, passengers, pedestrians, and cyclists are all covered by PIP insurance in Florida. However, there is one group of road users who aren’t covered by PIP insurance: motorcyclists.
Are There Any Deadlines for PIP Coverage?
Yes. There is one very important deadline for PIP coverage that you need to remember.
- 14-day rule: You must receive medical care within 14 days of your accident to be eligible for medical care. If you don’t, you risk recovering nothing.
Will My Insurance Go Up If Someone Hits Me in Florida?
Your insurance should not go up if you are injured in an accident that was not your fault. Florida Statute §626.9541(1)(g)3) prohibits insurers from raising rates just for filing a claim.
Get Help Understanding PIP Coverage With Our Book
Because of the confusion surrounding car insurance and accidents in Florida, car accident attorney Jeffrey Meldon wrote Buying Florida Auto Insurance – A 3 Step Approach to Purchasing Adequate Auto Insurance at Competitive Pricing.
You can request your free, no obligation guide book by contacting our office or filling out the request form.
What Can I Do If My Injuries and Losses Surpass My PIP Coverage Limits?
You may have options if your injuries and lost wages total more than $10,000.
If another party caused your automobile accident and injury and you meet certain criteria, you can step outside the no-fault system and file a claim against another party.
You could recover compensation for:
- The remainder of your medical bills
- The remainder of your lost wages
- Lost earning capacity
- Out-of-pocket accident-related expenses
- Non-economic damages, such as pain and suffering and mental anguish
If you decide to file against another driver, you must do so within two years of your accident.
To hold the other driver liable, you need to establish that their negligence caused your accident and injuries. For example, all drivers owe all other road users a duty to drive safely and avoid causing accidents. If a driver’s negligence (e.g., speeding, driving while intoxicated, driving while distracted or fatigued) caused an accident (e.g., a drunk driver ran a red light and T-boned your vehicle), you can recover your losses for your accident injuries.
Our personal injury attorneys can help you determine whether you may qualify to step outside of the no-fault system.
Using Your PIP Coverage Is Not Always Straightforward, Our Car Accident Lawyers Can Help
Unfortunately, your own insurance company is still a business. This means they may be hesitant to pay out what you deserve, even though you pay your premiums every month. It may use several different tactics to deny or devalue your claim. However, you don’t need to handle this process alone—and you shouldn’t.
The Florida personal injury lawyers at Meldon Law are here to help, whether you are recovering compensation from your own insurer or another driver’s insurance company.
We handle all injury cases on a contingency-fee basis, so you don’t need to worry about how you’ll afford our help. Call us today to get started.