Category Archives: Bicycle Accident

What Happens If You Hit a Cyclist With Your Car in Florida?
If you hit a cyclist with your car, remain on the scene and cooperate with the police when they arrive. Depending on the circumstances of the accident, your insurance company may need to pay for the medical expenses and lost income if the cyclist suffers bodily injury. The injured party may hire a Florida… Read More
Do I Have to Wear a Helmet When Riding My Bicycle in Gainesville and Ocala?
Our Free, No Obligation, Florida Accident Guide Helps Drivers Be Prepared in Case of an Accident VIEW DETAILS. Florida law only requires persons under the age of 16 to wear a helmet when riding a bicycle. However, as an accident injury attorney that has represented many seriously injured bikers in Ocala, Gainesville and all… Read More
Bicyclists – Know The Law And Stay Alive
As an experienced accident attorney, I have seen my share of tragic bicycle accidents-many of which could have been prevented. It is vital for motor vehicle operators, bicyclists, children, and parents of child cyclists to know the law about bicycles and save lives. Here is the information and laws that may just save your… Read More

How a Bicycle Accident Can Affect Your Life
Florida weather makes it ideal to ride a bicycle for exercise, recreation, or your main mode of transportation. Unfortunately, reports indicate that Florida bicyclists are at a particularly high risk of serious injuries, as the state had a higher rate of bicycle crash-related fatalities than any other state during a four-year period of time…. Read More

Florida Sidewalk Laws: Know What’s Allowed
It may seem fairly self-explanatory: cars drive on the road and people walk on the sidewalk. However, in between those two clear cut examples lay several possibly confusing situations. Though it is fairly rare to hear about people getting in real trouble for using the sidewalk when they’re not supposed to, knowing the law… Read More