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Win Your Case with Our Ocala Premises Liability Attorney

Ocala Premises Liability LawyerSuffering injuries on another party’s property can turn your life upside down. One minute, you were shopping, showing up for an appointment, or visiting someone’s home. The next, you were coping with serious injuries, wondering what comes next.

If a hazard on another party’s property, such as a spill, exposed electrical wire, or dangerous dog, led to your condition, you have financial recovery options. Meldon Law has represented injured claimants in Ocala since 1971, and since then, we’ve secured millions in compensation settlements.

An Ocala personal injury lawyer from our team stands ready to handle your case and everything that goes into securing financial recovery.

You Have Legal Rights as a Premises Liability Claimant in Ocala

The law is on your side as an injured claimant. For instance, per Florida Statutes § 768.0755, if you slipped and fell on a “transitory foreign substance” at a business, you could hold the entity accountable for your losses. If you were bitten by a dangerous dog, according to Florida Statutes § 764.04, the animal’s owner is financially liable.

The other party, their insurance company, or even their defense attorney may make it seem like your case is hopeless. That’s where the personal injury attorneys at Meldon Law come in. We do more than uphold your legal rights; we instill confidence in your case’s outcome, fighting for every dollar you need each step of the way.

Our Ocala Premises Liability Lawyers Seek Fair Compensation for Your Losses

After suffering a serious injury on another party’s property, you can seek both economic and non-economic damages. The former accounts for your financial hardships, while the latter refers to your intangible hardships.

The value of your claim and the damages you can recover will depend on the unique circumstances of your accident. That said, with our legal representation, you could secure compensation for:

  • Your medical expenses. This includes ambulance fees, hospital bills, costs of surgery, physical therapy, prescriptions, and other related costs.
  • Your lost wages. Your injuries may have caused you to miss time from work. In that instance, we can secure the cost of lost paychecks, tips, bonuses, and benefits.
  • Loss of future earning capacity. Your injuries may affect your long-term earning ability. We can account for those losses in your claim’s overall value.
  • Your pain and suffering. Pain and suffering refers to the physical and emotional trauma of the accident. Florida does not cap how much you can seek for these expenses, and its value depends on many case-specific factors.
  • Any disfigurement or scarring. Your injuries may have altered your appearance, affecting your confidence, self-esteem, and ability to seek employment. The state allows injured claimants to seek damages that acknowledge these hardships.

This is not a complete list of recoverable damages. When you entrust your personal injury claim to Meldon Law, trust our team to account for everything you deserve. That way, at the conclusion of your case, you have the financial resources you need to rebuild your life.

Our Case Results Speak to Our Client-Centered Care

Financial recovery is more than compensation for medical bills and lost income; it offers our clients the confidence and compensation they deserve. Time and time again, our law firm nets six- and seven-figure outcomes for injured claimants. Some of our most recent premises liability case outcomes include:

  • Our client’s loved one was a cave diver out on a routine expedition. Yet, her instructor abandoned her at the mouth of the cave and ignored all distressed signals. Consequently, this young explorer drowned and lost her life. Our wrongful death lawyer secured $275,000 for our client’s losses.
  • A leisurely jog around her apartment complex turned deadly when an aggressive dog attacked our client, causing disfiguring injuries. Meldon Law stepped in and secured $150,000 through settlement talks.

Each of these cases required our team to understand state law, gather evidence, and advocate for our clients’ losses. It’s not easy handling the claims process, and it’s certainly not something you want to handle on your own. Thankfully, with our legal advocacy, you can put your needs first and focus on your recovery. In the meantime, we fight for everything you need and deserve.

What Is the Time Limit to File Premises Liability Lawsuits in Florida?

Each state has a time limit to file a personal injury lawsuit, which is known as a statute of limitations. Under Florida Statutes § 95.11, the statute of limitations for Ocala premises liability cases is two years from the date of the injury.

This isn’t a long time, given the many obligations that go into advancing a personal injury claim or lawsuit. For this reason, we encourage you to call Meldon Law at your earliest convenience. We want to set your case in motion and prevent any deadlines from expiring.

How Our Ocala Premises Liability Attorney Plans to Win Your Case

Handling a personal injury claim comes with many obligations—some of which aren’t immediately apparent. Your recovery should be a time of rest and recuperation, not a time to stress about insurance companies and legal obligations. Take this time to focus on your health, well-being, and peace of mind.

All the while, our legal team aims for fair compensation by:

Investigating the Incident

Regardless of your injury’s cause, we need evidence to build a compelling case. This information could include:

  • Photographs of the hazard. A picture tells 1,000 words. You want to demonstrate to the liable party that you suffered an injury because of an avoidable hazard, and a photo does just that.
  • Property inspection records. We may pull county records and find that the property in question didn’t pass inspection or violated a local ordinance.
  • Expert opinions. If there are disputes over the cause of your accident, we may consult with reconstruction specialists who can fill in the gaps in our knowledge.
  • Medical records. With your permission, we can access your medical records. This allows us to understand the severity of your condition and present that information to the liable party.

Keep in mind that the quality of certain types of evidence can degrade over time. For example, witness memories may fade with the passage of time, becoming less compelling. The sooner you talk to a premises liability attorney in Ocala, the sooner we can begin collecting evidence.

Documenting Your Injury-Related Damages

Your Ocala personal injury attorney will gather all documentation related to your injuries, medical treatment, lost income, and other damages. That way, we understand what constitutes a fair settlement offer from the liable insurer.

Negotiating Full and Fair Compensation

Your premises liability attorney can negotiate directly with the liable insurance company to demand fair compensation. We have the legal skills to build the strongest argument possible. We also know the strategies insurance companies use and how to counter them.

Initiating a Premises Liability Lawsuit

Often, we recover compensation for clients through settlement negotiations. Yet, we may file a lawsuit based on your circumstances. We’re not afraid of going to court. That’s because we’ve spent the last few decades fighting for clients’ rights, both at the negotiating table and at trial.

Meldon Law puts your needs first. Throughout our partnership, you can expect timely updates, answers to your questions, and advocacy with your goals in mind. Today, you can start your free initial consultation.

Injured on Someone’s Property? Get a Free Consultation with an Ocala Lawyer Today!

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Our Legal Team Manages Premises Liability Cases Based on These Incidents

Through the years, we’ve helped injured people recover damages after suffering severe injuries due to:

Wet Floors

Our Ocala slip and fall lawyer lends a helping hand if you slipped and fell due to wet floors or another similar hazard. The basis of your case would prove that because the property owner didn’t maintain a safe area, you were injured and merit compensation.

Poor Lighting

Poor lighting can do more than cause a fall; it also allows perpetrators to assault and injure innocent people. Property owners must keep their premises safe for lawful visitors, doing everything possible to reduce the likelihood of criminal activity, such as assaults, attempted theft, and homicide.

Aggressive Dogs

Under Florida law, you can sue a dog’s owner for injuries, even if they didn’t know the animal was aggressive. It doesn’t matter whether you were bitten by a Pitbull or a Chihuahua; you have financial recovery options, and our team intends to help you explore them.

Unsteady Structures

Did an unsupported balcony give way and lead to a multi-story fall? Did you fall off a ladder that wasn’t securely anchored? In either scenario, we can hold the property owner accountable.

Exposed Wires

Fires in residential and commercial buildings are more common than most people think. If you suffered burns from exposed wiring or another hazard, trust our team to seek what you’re owed.

This is just a sampling of incidents that can serve as the basis of a personal injury claim. Even if you don’t see your scenario listed above, we encourage you to connect with us.

Injuries That Can Warrant an Ocala Premises Liability Claim

Many types of injuries allow injured claimants to seek damages following an incident on another party’s property. These conditions include:

  • Slip and fall injuries. Fractures and broken bones, torn ligaments, sprains, strains, contusions, abrasions, traumatic brain injuries, or spinal cord injuries from hard falls can be debilitating.
  • Lacerations and puncture wounds. When caused by exposed sharp objects or debris left on the premises, lacerations can be serious, leading to major blood loss or infection if not properly treated.
  • Burns. Burns can be caused by excessively hot surfaces, substances, or liquids spilled or left unattended on floors and walkways. They can vary from minor to disfiguring third-degree burns, requiring extensive medical treatment.
  • Injuries from falling objects. Items that are not properly secured or shelved on a premises can fall and strike people, causing blunt force trauma like blows to the head, cuts, and crushing injuries.
  • Animal bites and subsequent infections. Suffering a dog bite is just the beginning of a long recovery period for many people. That’s because these wounds can open the body to infection, leading to secondary complications.
  • Electrical shocks. Electrocution can be caused by exposed wiring or faulty electrical equipment, like power tools. Electrocution can produce severe nerve damage, cardiac arrest, neurological harm, and burns.

Echoing the sentiment above: even if you don’t see your scenario listed here, that’s okay. Our team stands ready to hear your story and advocate for what you need. If you suffered serious injuries that required inpatient hospitalization, Meldon Law wants to hear from you.

What Should I Do After a Premises Liability Incident in Ocala?

The road to compensation is filled with many obstacles. The insurer may deny your claim. The at-fault party may blame you for what happened. However, there are some post-injury considerations that could bolster your claim and possibly reduce any complications.

Some measures include:

  • Getting prompt medical care
  • Refraining from discussing the incident publicly on social media
  • Referring all settlement offers to your personal injury attorney
  • Documenting your injury-related losses
  • Keeping all relevant bills, receipts, and invoices in a safe place

Some injured claimants choose to handle their cases pro se, meaning without legal representation. You don’t want to take this route, especially if you’re unfamiliar with the claims process. Attempting to handle a case on your own could result in less money than you’re actually owed. With Meldon Law, your case becomes our priority.

Connect With Our Premises Liability Lawyers in Ocala, Florida

If a property owner is responsible for your injuries, holding them legally responsible can help you move forward. It can also force property owners and operators to create safer conditions, protecting others in the future.

Securing compensation with a lawyer’s help begins with a free, no-obligation case review. Meldon Law is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to champion your rights.


Meldon Law

Address: 1326 S Pine Ave, Ocala, FL 34471, United States

Phone: 352-373-8000

Opening Hours: Call Us 24/7 For Legal Help