What Fees Do Personal Injury Lawyers Charge in Florida?

Different personal injury lawyers charge different kinds of fees. Many firms will charge a contingency fee, which means that the fee is contingent on the firm’s ability to win your case. You pay no fees until you win your case, and you owe nothing if you do not win.
Our Florida personal injury lawyers work on contingency. We explain our fee structure to prospective clients in as much detail as they want before they sign our contract. Making sure you understand your lawyer’s fees up front will save you a lot of time and trouble in the long run.
How Much Do Personal Injury Lawyers Charge in Florida?
Again, this varies from law firm to law firm. If your case is successful, you may be expected to not only pay the agreed-upon attorneys’ fees but also provide reimbursement for any legal costs the firm incurred while fighting your case. These costs may include:
- Filing fees
- Document request fees
- Travel expenses
- The cost of hiring experts to testify in your case
In other words, what fees personal injury lawyers charge in Florida depends not just on legal guidelines or the firm’s standard rate. Their fees will also change based on how long your case takes, how difficult it is, and what expenses they accumulate along the way.
When Will You Know How Much Your Personal Injury Lawyers Charge?
It is not possible to provide an exact dollar amount up front, as unexpected developments or changes in other parties’ fees can crop up at any time. However, we can make a reasonable estimate as to how much you can expect to spend on fighting your case. We can also keep you updated as we spend or save money during the legal process.
What Percentage Do Most Injury Lawyers Take?
Florida personal injury lawyers generally charge between 33 and 40 percent of your ultimate settlement or award. For example:
- Say that someone is seriously injured in a Florida truck accident on I-95.
- This person successfully sues the driver who hit them and recovers $100,000 in damages.
- Per the contract that this person signed with a personal injury firm, their lawyers are entitled to 35 percent of whatever they win.
- This person’s lawyer will take $35,000 as their attorneys’ fee, plus the cost of any reimbursable legal expenses.
- Once the person pays off their medical bills, the rest of the settlement is theirs to keep. They may use it to support their family and cover their everyday and accident-related expenses.
Do All Florida Personal Injury Lawyers Work on Contingency?
No. Some firms prefer to use other pay structures, such as charging an hourly fee. It is up to you to decide which structure you are most comfortable with, but contingency fees offer the following advantages:
- You do not pay attorneys’ fees up front. We do not expect payment until the very end of your case.
- You do not pay attorneys’ fees if we lose. If you do not recover any compensation, we will not expect you to pay our fee.
- Contingency fees are agreed upon in advance. With an hourly fee, you will not know how much you have to pay until the case is over and the law firm has tallied up how many hours they put into your legal action. With a contingency fee, there are no surprises.
How Do You Know if Your Lawyers’ Fees Are Fair?
Before you sign a contract with any law firm, it is vital that you ask about and understand their fee structure. A good personal injury lawyer will be open with you about payment expectations and be happy to answer your questions about:
- How the firm’s pay structure works
- How the firm calculates fees and expenses
- All of the terms of the contract (you should ask to take home a copy of the contract to review at your leisure)
- How much the lawyer expects to charge and spend during your case (an exact number is impossible to guess, but a general estimate may be possible)
We work closely with every single prospective client to make sure we understand each other’s expectations and goals.
How to Handle Disputes Over Legal Fees in Florida
The Florida Bar offers many helpful suggestions and resources if you feel you are being overcharged or are otherwise suspicious about how your legal representative is treating you:
- If you want general information or advice, you can call the Attorney/Consumer Assistance Program.
- If you want to try to work things out with your attorney, you can take advantage of the Bar’s Fee Arbitration and Grievance Mediation programs.
- If you want to file a complaint against your attorney, you can use the Bar’s online form.
- If you want to find out about prior complaints filed against an attorney, you can search the Bar’s public records and discipline documents.
Before you turn to these alternatives, it might help to ask your attorney directly for a breakdown of their fees and expenses. Some disputes may be the result of misunderstandings that you can easily resolve yourself without involving a third party.
Finding the Right Personal Injury Lawyer the First Time
The Florida Bar’s services are important and necessary, but trying to resolve conflicts with your lawyer takes up valuable time, energy, and resources. It is better for everyone if you can find a trustworthy, knowledgeable attorney early in your case and stay with them until your case’s conclusion.
Our personal injury law firm strives to be open and honest with all clients. We urge you not to sign our contract until you have the chance to familiarize yourself with its contents and to ask all the questions you have about our fees and services.
Our Personal Injury Team Welcomes Questions About Our Attorneys’ Fees
When it comes to pursuing a personal injury case, there is nothing more important than skills, knowledge, and experience. Meldon Law combines all three to provide you with accurate information about what fees our personal injury lawyers charge in Florida and all other legal issues. Call now for a free consultation.