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Florida Internal Injuries Attorneys

Not every serious injury is visible to the naked eye. Some accidents cause injuries that aren’t just impossible to see but might not even present symptoms until days or even weeks after the incident. Internal injuries might not seem as serious as those that are visible but when left unchecked, internal bleeding or other internal tissue or organ damage can quickly prove fatal.

Not all attorneys are equipped to represent victims of major catastrophic accidents, but we are. At Meldon Law, our Florida internal injury attorneys have spent decades fighting for victims of serious accidents. We know how to investigate claims, gather evidence, and present it persuasively to insurance companies, judges and juries. We have composed a team of hard-hitting trial advocates who won’t rest until they get the best possible result from each case. Contact our Florida personal injury law firm today to receive a free evaluation of your case.

What are internal injuries?

In an accident, the body can sustain damage that you can’t see. Internal injuries include any injuries that aren’t visible to the naked eye. These injuries can arise from either blunt or penetrating types of trauma.

Blunt trauma is the result of the body impacting a flat object or surface with force. Serious or deadly blunt trauma often occurs as the result of a car accident, where quick deceleration causes the body to slam into a seatbelt, dashboard, or steering wheel. A fall from a height, physical assault, or vehicle impact against a pedestrian or bicyclist can cause this injury as well. Blunt trauma can damage or tear blood vessels. In the case of blunt impact to the head, victims may suffer from traumatic brain injury (TBI) should the brain be damaged when slammed against the skull.

Penetrating trauma is the result of the body being punctured by a sharp or fast-moving object, such as a piece of metal attached to a damaged car, bullet, or knife. Penetrating trauma involves tearing of organs, muscles, and blood vessels.

Examples of internal injuries can include:

  • Internal bleeding, which can happen whenever blood vessels are damaged
  • Punctured or collapsed lungs, often a result of penetrating trauma but sometimes stemming from broken ribs
  • Damage to the kidneys or spleen, often resulting from substantial trauma to the abdomen
  • Diaphragm rupture, or rupture of the large muscle beneath the ribcage, which occurs in roughly 5% of all cases of blunt trauma to the midsection

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What are some symptoms of internal injuries?

Internal injuries can present in countless different ways, depending on both the individual and the type of injury. Some common examples of internal injury symptoms include:

  • Headache or dizziness, especially in the case of a brain injury
  • Neck stiffness
  • Shortness of breath
  • Strong or sharp pain, especially in the abdomen
  • Tightness in the chest
  • Elevated heart rate
  • Ringing in the ears
  • Tightness in the jaw
  • Weakness
  • Nausea
  • Blurry vision
  • Blood in the stool, urine, or vomit

Always seek professional medical attention after an accident

It is critical to seek medical attention after any serious accident, and internal injuries are just one example of why this is the case. Many of us believe that going to a doctor is something to do only as a last resort, when instead a visit to a doctor or hospital before symptoms become severe can prevent a future visit to the emergency room or even save your life.

Why is it important to see a doctor after an accident?

  • Not all injuries are obvious: As described above, many potentially fatal injuries aren’t visible from the outside. Brain injuries, internal bleeding, broken ribs, and kidney damage are all impossible to identify externally. Nevertheless, a skilled doctor can diagnose these conditions based on a description of your symptoms and a physical examination. In some cases, a visit to the doctor can prevent greater harm from conditions such as an aneurysm or stroke, for which you may be displaying preliminary symptoms.
  • The shock of the accident could be preventing you from noticing your symptoms: Shock from a traumatic event, and the accompanying adrenaline surge, may numb you from the pain of your injuries in the aftermath of an accident. A doctor can begin treatment on injuries that you might not yet realize you have.
  • A trip to the doctor can forestall tactics by defendants to discredit your injuries: Your reasons for avoiding or delaying going to the doctor after an accident might have nothing to do with how much pain you’re in. However, if you wait to seek medical treatment after an accident, the defendant in your case could argue that you’re exaggerating your injuries for the sake of getting more money. After all, how bad could it be if you waited a week to seek medical attention? Rather than facing these sorts of challenges to whether your claims of injury are sincere, seek the attention you need as soon as possible after an accident.

Speak with a Florida Internal Injuries Attorney Now

For seasoned, skilled, and aggressive legal representation after a Florida injury accident, contact the internal injury attorneys at Meldon Law for a no-cost consultation.

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