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Lake City Field Sobriety Test Attorneys

There are many tests a police officer may ask you to submit to after they pull you over for a suspected DUI. One type of test is the blood alcohol concentration (BAC) tests, which can be in the form of a blood, breath, or urine test. You are required by law to take these tests and if you refuse, you will face an automatic suspension of your driver’s license.

The other type of test law enforcement may ask you to take is a field sobriety test. You are not required to submit to these tests. If you were asked to take this type of test and fail, law enforcement and the prosecution will use those results against you. Our Lake City field sobriety test attorney knows how to challenge these tests so you retain your freedom.

What are Field Sobriety Tests?

During a field sobriety test, you will be asked to perform a number of physical tasks. The officer will observe you as you perform them and determine whether or not the results give them probable cause to arrest you. In most cases, an officer will determine they do. Field sobriety tests are not at all scientific. Whether or not you pass or fail depends entirely on the officer, as they have the discretion to make that decision. After a field sobriety test, you will likely be arrested and charged with DUI.

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Understanding the Three Main Field Sobriety Tests

It is important to remember that you are not required to take these tests under the law, even if the officer says you are. You can refuse any of the following three tests without facing any legal penalties:

  • Walk and turn: This test requires you to walk heel-to-toe in a straight line for a specific number of steps. The officer will use this to test your balance, and your ability to remember instructions, such as the number of steps they asked you to take. Most people are very nervous when taking the test and factors such as uneven pavement can also cause you to make a misstep.
  • One-leg stand: The officer will ask you to lift one leg off of the ground, usually about six inches, and slowly count to a certain number. The test generally lasts for about 30 seconds and is used to test your coordination and balance. It is a difficult test for even sober individuals to pass.
  • Horizontal gaze nystagmus: The officer will ask you to follow an item, such as a pen or their finger, using only your eyes. They will then move that object slowly from side to side. The officer will look to determine if you move your eyes, or if they jerk from side to side. While alcohol can be due to impairment, it is also naturally-occurring in individuals that are fighting disease.

Our Lake City Field Sobriety Tests Attorney Will Challenge Your Results

If you took roadside tests and are now facing DUI charges, our Lake City field criminal defense attorney at Meldon Law can challenge those results to help you beat the charges. Call us today or contact us online to schedule a free consultation.