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The Villages Car Accident Lawyer

The Villages Car Accident LawyerAfter being injured in a car accident in The Villages, the last thing you need is to worry about how long your savings can last while you miss work and cope with pain. You should be focusing on healing, but instead many people who were hurt in wrecks are left dealing with stress, uncertainty, and insurance companies who don’t have their best interests at heart.

Navigating this crossroads alone can feel daunting when you’re up against insurance companies who want to get you to sign away your rights for a quick settlement. Our car accident lawyers in The Villages can handle the insurers for you so you can rest and heal.

We are dedicated to protecting the rights of victims of accidents in Florida who were hurt by others. To learn more about how our the Villages personal injury lawyers can help, call us at (352) 373-8000.

Why The Villages Can Be a Dangerous Place for Drivers

As reported in the minutes of a Village Community Development District No. 8 meeting, in the last quarter of 2022, The Villages saw 290 vehicle accidents. Many of these were caused by common forms of negligence like drunk and distracted driving and speeding. During that same time period, there were also 54 accidents involving golf carts.

Golf Carts Contribute to Car Accidents in The Villages

It is legal to drive a golf cart in The Villages, but many people who operate golf carts in this community do not have prior experience with these vehicles. They assume they handle the same way a car would, but this is a mistake that can lead to tragedies—and has many times. In addition to this, many people do not understand the laws regarding golf cart use.

A personal injury attorney can use evidence to prove how the law was broken by a driver’s negligent act, leading to your injuries and the resulting damages. We craft a case to prove the driver owed you a duty of care, which they then violated.

How Much Can Someone Sue for a Car Accident in Florida?

No two car accidents in The Villages are exactly alike, and no two car accident claims will be alike, either. How much you can ask for in a settlement will depend on the severity of your injuries, how much income you’ve lost, your age, and a variety of other factors that will be unique to your case and your potential settlement amount.

We can’t guarantee any specific monetary outcome, but we work hard to accurately valuate claims to make sure you’ll have the financial support you need to move past this tragedy. We are committed to seeing justice served in Florida, and these are some of the results we’ve secured for our clients who were injured in car wrecks:

  • Our client was seriously injured in a T-bone accident. Award: $1,500,000
  • Our client slammed into a utility pole after they were T-boned in an intersection. The crash resulted in a traumatic brain injury and “Failed Back Syndrome.” Settlement: $500,000
  • A client was rear-ended at high speed, knocking them into oncoming traffic. They were taken to hospital with serious injuries. Settlement: $450,000
  • A client’s vehicle was slammed into at full speed by a company vehicle. Our client suffered severe injuries requiring surgery and ongoing treatment. Settlement: $350,000
  • Our client’s vehicle was struck by another driver who was making a negligent wide turn. The client’s vehicle was forced into a ditch, leading to injuries. Settlement: $300,000
  • Our client was a passenger in a vehicle that got struck by a driver who failed to yield. The client lost consciousness from the crash and required surgery for their injuries. Settlement: $250,000

Learn more about what we can recover for you: (352) 373-8000.

The Time Limit to File a Claim for Compensation After a Car Accident in The Villages

Florida’s statute of limitations for personal injury lawsuits, including car accidents and wrongful death claims, is generally two years from the date of the accident. This means you have two years to file a lawsuit in court seeking compensation for injuries, property damage, or other losses.

Exceptions to the Florida statute of limitations exist, such as if the accident involved a government entity or employee, in which case shorter notice requirements and deadlines might apply. The timeline also changes when the victim is a minor and in limited other circumstances.

Missing the deadline can significantly impact your rights. It’s highly recommended to consult with a personal injury lawyer familiar with Florida laws to understand your specific situation and ensure you meet the appropriate time frame.

Do I Need a Lawyer After a Car Accident in The Villages, Florida?

You are not required to have a car accident lawyer in The Villages to file a claim, but it may benefit you if you want to make sure your rights are protected. Here’s how we help injury victims and their loved ones:

  • Navigating complex legal processes – Our attorneys handle all documentation and negotiation to secure compensation for your unique situation.
  • Investigation and evidence gathering – Our lawyers use resources like crash reconstruction specialists, FOIA requests, subpoenas, etc. to establish liability and validate losses not captured initially.
  • Assessing damages thoroughly – Our lawyers uncover all your damages to ensure you are demanding full compensation.
  • Reducing stress – Our legal professionals manage heavy burdens so you avoid frustration and have emotional reassurance while pursuing fair recovery.

We understand how to communicate with insurance agents to avoid mistakes that could hurt your claim’s value. You can count on us to hold the at-fault parties accountable. And if they won’t agree to a fair settlement, we aren’t afraid to take them to court.

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What Is the New Law in Florida for Car Accidents?

There are two major pieces of legislation that will affect car accident claims in The Villages.

Florida House Bill 837 is a tort reform law that was signed into law in March 2023 that significantly affects personal cases. Prior to the passing of this bill, Florida followed pure comparative negligence rules. That means previously, you could recover damages from a driver who was only slightly responsible, but now you cannot if you were more than 50% at fault.

Another change is limits on non-economic damages: Caps are placed on non-economic damages like pain and suffering, making it harder to receive full compensation. This protects insurance companies – not the victims of accidents. It also makes it harder to sue insurers for bad faith practices by limiting these claims.

The changes to the law are complex. You shouldn’t try to handle this yourself. Our team is prepared to handle every aspect of your case on your behalf.

Mistakes to Avoid During Your Car Accident Claim

Here are some of the biggest mistakes Florida car accident victims should avoid making that can negatively impact injury claims. Car accident victims in The Villages beware: If you’re making any of these errors, you could be putting your compensation at risk:

  • Failing to seek medical attention immediately – Delayed treatment gives the insurer a reason to deny that your injuries are related to the accident.
  • Neglecting to obtain a police report – Reports establish key evidence on conditions, witness accounts, party statements, and fault assessments that are valuable for claims.
  • Downplaying injuries at the scene – Making statements that you “feel fine” after crashes can later limit your ability to seek treatment and claim emerging injuries.
  • Failing to gather contact/insurance info – If you don’t collect the other party’s insurance information, you will likely be unable to file a claim against them.
  • Delaying contacting an attorney – An attorney can help you avoid missed legal deadlines, early statement traps, and waiting on insurer stalls.
  • Posting on social media – Contradictory online posts about your activities or recovery can undermine injury claims by bringing them under scrutiny.
  • Accepting quick claim payouts pre-treatment – Insurers who tempt accident victims with fast authorizations want to minimize their long-term liability before the full extent of your injuries becomes evident.

Getting an injury lawyer can help you avoid these costly mistakes.

Get a Free Car Accident Consultation in The Villages From the Team That CARES

When you’re facing an uncertain future, you want lawyers who Won’t Back Down. At Meldon Law, our car accident attorneys in The Villages level the playing field against insurers to ease your stress while you focus on what is most important – your health.

Our compassionate legal team stands ready to independently investigate fault, fully calculate wide-ranging crash harms, and craft an ironclad demand that makes insurers pay. We have helped countless clients who have been injured by acts of negligence in Florida, and we are ready to put our experience to work for you.

Call today for a free consultation at (352) 373-8000 or fill out our contact form to learn more about your right to compensation under Florida law.


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